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Change ID: 54 Type: Bug
Title: E-Mail Notifications Address Validation Status: Closed (Fixed & Tested)
Severity: Minor Version:
Assigned To: Unassigned

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mIRC Script Semi-Pro TBBTNut
16 Mar 2014 17:05
We have, in our alliance, a merlin bot which is set up to monitor a single GMail address ([email protected]) for Planetarion Notifications sent to the address in the format [email protected] then alerts the alliance channel when Jumpgate Detected e-mails or Fleet Recalled e-mails are received.

This system works great, with the exception of an one particular alliance member: Buddah|

The address validation script does not currently allow the "vertical pipe" symbol to be used.

Please fix this.

TBBTNut (faceless Tech)

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