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Unread 16 Jan 2021, 22:23   #1
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Join Date: Oct 2003
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Posts: 73
unimatrix is on a distinguished road
SQL error

An unexpected error occured at 21:22:52. Error #2: SQL error
This error may have occured due to routine work on the system or may have already been reported. Please check for any announcements or discussion in the forums before reporting this error to PATeam as we can only handle so many messages! Please remember to copy and paste this message in its entirety or else we will not be able to properly investigate its cause.

While setting an alliance as friendly on the relations page
where are my papers!!!

xVx Morale HC R 90

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vVv , Angel , Fury , Ğragons , TUD, TGE, eclipse , 4D , chaoz , ACID , Vision , Osiris , Newdawn , xVx , CT

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Unread 1 Feb 2021, 21:26   #2
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Re: SQL error

Thanks, think this is fixed now
r8-10 RaH r10.5-12 MISTU
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