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Unread 10 Nov 2003, 00:27   #1
JammyJim's Avatar
Join Date: May 2000
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Posts: 5,180
JammyJim has ascended to a higher existance and no longer needs rep points to prove the size of his e-penis.JammyJim has ascended to a higher existance and no longer needs rep points to prove the size of his e-penis.JammyJim has ascended to a higher existance and no longer needs rep points to prove the size of his e-penis.JammyJim has ascended to a higher existance and no longer needs rep points to prove the size of his e-penis.JammyJim has ascended to a higher existance and no longer needs rep points to prove the size of his e-penis.JammyJim has ascended to a higher existance and no longer needs rep points to prove the size of his e-penis.JammyJim has ascended to a higher existance and no longer needs rep points to prove the size of his e-penis.JammyJim has ascended to a higher existance and no longer needs rep points to prove the size of his e-penis.JammyJim has ascended to a higher existance and no longer needs rep points to prove the size of his e-penis.JammyJim has ascended to a higher existance and no longer needs rep points to prove the size of his e-penis.JammyJim has ascended to a higher existance and no longer needs rep points to prove the size of his e-penis.
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This sub-forum is designed for 'Quit' Threads ONLY.

This is not a place for discussion or complaints.

It merely facilitates those members who are leaving the game or the community and acts as a way of these people expressing their thoughts / emotions to friends/alliances etc.

Please do not use this forum to bitch or complain. As usual these complaints can best be sent through the usual channels of email communication.

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It's not personal, it's just business.

Last edited by A2; 15 Jun 2004 at 10:37. Reason: Removed JC's e-mail from it, as he's not an admin anymore
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